We participated in “Champions of Growth”: the study of Italy’s most dynamic companies, conducted by the German Institute of Quality ITQF and Repubblica Affari & Finanza.
We are proud to announce that Nubilaria is among the 800 companies with the highest economic growth in Italy over the past three years.
The complete list will be published in November 2022 in La Repubblica A&F and https://www.repubblica.it/dossier/economia/qualita-e-mercati/2022/11/08/news/pmi_portabandiera_del_made_in_italy_sono_800_i_campioni_della_crescita-373454110/
The Nubilaria Team
Get in touch
+39 0321 612905
Fax +39 0321 1851240
Fax +39 0321 1851240
Baluardo La Marmora, 13
28100 Novara (Italy)
28100 Novara (Italy)